Revised Lincoln Schedule
I. Preparing for the Transformation
The Transformation
Workshop will give us three days to explore together the
issues relating
to transforming higher education in the face of new
challenges and
opportruntiies in the Knowledge Age.
To prepare for the Workshop, a
number of materials have been made available
through the mail or via
Internet. You should explore them to familiarize
yourselves with the
issues and perspectives that Morrison and Norris are
bringing to the
workshop. The materials to review are:
- Transforming Higher
Education: A Vision for Learning in the 21st Century,
Norris and Dolence
- "The Role of IT Leadership in Transformation",
- University of Texas at San Antonio Website on
the Learning Vision Process
- Continuing Learning Versus
Perpetual Learning
- Abstracts on Case Studies to be
Introduced During the Workshop
Norris and Morrison are
profoundly aware of the need to ground these concepts
in the context and
culture of your institutions in New Zealand and Australia
- and other
locales if there are new registrants. Much of the workshop will
practical dialogue on how to apply these concepts in different
institutional settings. We look forward to gathering new insights and
examples from our dialogues with you.
When we gather face to face in
Christchurch we will review the tentative
schedule for the three days and
the list of issues that each of you wishes
cover in the workshop. We
will tailor the schedule and discussions to assure
that each of those
issues is fully addressed.
II. Tentative Schedule
Tuesday, 23
Wednesday, 24
- Breakfast
- Orientation (Introductions,
review and tailoring of objectives, issues,
- The
Challenges of the 21st Century - Morrison
- Coffee
- Unleashing the Power of Perpetual Learners - Norris
- Lunch
- Discussion - Transformative Issues Facing Higher
Learning in New Zealand, Australia and the Far East
- Tea
- Discussion - Potentials and Pitfalls of Transformation in the
Knowledge Age
Thursday, 25 July
- Breakfast
- Accomplishing Transformation - case studies and
- Coffee
- Discussion and consultation
- Lunch
- Discussion and consultation
- Tea
- Discussion and consultation
- Review and identification of
issues for final discussion
Friday, 26 July
- Breakfast
- Review of issues identified by
- Making Transformation Work on Your Campus -
- Coffee
- Discussion of Workshop Results - "What am
I going to implement/change on my return?"
- Lunch
- Discussion - Exploration of on-going collaboration
- Adjournment - 3:00 P.M.
III. Lifelong Learning or Perpetual Learning?
Some pundits think that perpetual learning is merely the old,
familiar wine
of lifelong learning in a new bottle. They couldn't be
more wrong.
Perpetual learning is fundamentally different from
lifelong learning in every way.
Lifelong learning consists of
two streams of development. The first stream
of lifelong learning deals
only with personal development and fulfillment -
it is totally unrelated
to work and career. A second stream deals with the
individual and work
and is quite separate from the first stream. Lifelong
essentially provides traditional learning to individuals,
throughout their lives. It uses existing, Industrial Age models
learning and the relationship of learning to work, and extends them
throughout the individual's lifetime. If a person becomes unskilled or
obsolete for employment, they use lifelong learning to become reskilled.
expectation is that one does ones basis learning for a career, then
when one must change careers.
Perpetual learning is
radically different. Perpetual learners develop basic
navigation skills and the expectation that they will be learning
day of their lives. The applications of learning to work, personal
development, and recreation are fused. Learners will use perpetual
to maintain lifetime employability, to never become unskilled.
learning will be seamless, available at the desktop, at home,
or in mobile
locations. It will be fundamentally linked to work and to
adding immediate
value to collaborative work teams. New projects will
have learning budgets
associated with them. Perpetual learning will be a
line function,
integrated into the fabric of the organization.
Technology will be
fundamental to perpetual learning. Perpetual learning
will be critical to
adding immediate value to the company and to building
its knowledge base.
The following table compares and contrasts these
two concepts.
Perpetual Learning Is a New and
Distinctive Concept
Method | Lifelong
Learning | Perpetual Learning |
Frequency | Periodic, episodic | Every
day |
Expectation of learners | Get basic learning
done | Basic learning prepares the perpetual learner with the
knowledge navigation tools and the expectation that they
will be
perpetually learning |
Tie to Work | Time-out-for learning | Fused
work and learning |
Motivation | Build human capital |
Immediate problem solving |
Employment Link | Retraining |
Never get untrained, lifetime employability |
Learning units |
Regular courses and degrees | New and smaller units of
learning |
Demonstrate mastery | Grades | Application
and performance |
Site | Classroom based | Desk-top,
home, anywhere |
Orientation | Individual | Individual and
team, collaboratve learning |
Importance of
Technology | Up to
the teacher | Technology is essential to perpetual
learning |
of Technology | Automate existing approaches |
Create new, learner-driven approaches |
Place of Learning in the
Organization | Lifelong learning is a staff
function | Perpetual learning is a line function, supported by
staff |
IV. Case Studies for Transformation Workshop
The case studies selected for the transformation
workshop illustrate the many
different ways that campuses can approach
transformation. One approach does
not fit all. These cases all display
certain characteristics.
First, they all use information
technology to do things differently, not
just more efficiently, as a key
ingredient. Technology is not the
centerpiece, but it is the enabler.
Second, the cases all involve some changes in the academic or
cultures of the institutions.
Third, the
cases all illustrate some variation or combination of three
- articulation of a vision for learning in the Information Age,
or a new student service culture, or some feature of the campus culture
that is
very different that at present;
- redirection of existing
academic or
administrative processes to really make difference -
admissions, counseling
and advising, student services, budgeting,
planning, facilities planning,
infrastructure development; and/or
- creation of truly new and
transformative approaches to learning and
to the units and utils of academic
Many of these
initiatives began with retrenchment and programmatic
redirection efforts
four or five years ago. But over the past year, they
have been
redirected to achieve more transformative ends.
The combinations
of these factors are fascinating and illustrate how the
patterns and
cadences of transformative initiatives can vary dramatically
from setting
to setting.
Listing of Case StudiesThese case studies will
be examined during the workshop.
University of
Texas at San Antonio
UTSA used a learning vision process to
develop a rapid prototype vision for
UTSA in the 21st century, then rip
that vision back to the present to
identify barriers to attaining that
vision, actions to overcome the barriers,
and measures to determine
relative success. This learning vision was based
on the principles
established in Transforming Higher Education: A Vision for
Learning in
the 21st Century (T.H.E.). This learning vision was also shaped
efforts to develop a new, high tech campus and to position the systems
infrastructure of the university to function in a distributed
The vision suggested redirecting a number of processes to
achieve more
transformative ends: fund raising, facilities planning,
budgeting and
resource allocation, academic program development, faculty
training and
mentoring, student advising and counseling.
example is fully documented on the Website cited in the preconference
materials. The Websites describes the learning vision planning process
UTSA and the initiatives recommended to overcome barriers and move the
university into the Knowledge Age.
University of Calgary
For five or six years the
University of Calgary has dealt with substantial
financial retrenchment
necessitated by cutbacks in federal and provincial
Rather than merely raising more money, the University
rethought its
priorities. It redirected its budget and strategic planning
and its program review and development activities, to serve as
instruments of transformation Then, with the publication of T.H.E., it
a model it could use to reshape its direction. The University has
a campus visioning group to shape its redirection and create a
new set of
directions for its future.
Universite de Montreal
The Universite de Montreal has
also used the challenge if retrenchment to
refocus its efforts. It has
been emphasizing several opportunities,
including the opportunity to
reduce attrition (which was roughly 40% for
incoming freshmen in the
first year) by enhancing its program of strategic
enrollment management.
It is also attempting to get its deans to take a
transformative approach
to new programs.
University of
The University of Delaware is widely recognized
across the country for its
innovative uses of information technology in
support of administrative and
academic processes. In most cases,
Delaware has employed the tactic of
redirecting existing processes to
transformative ends. Several examples
illustrate this approach.
Using the opportunity to create a new, one-stop shopping concept for
services, Delaware renovated an historic schoolhouse next door to
campus, and
deployed a new, integrated suite of software products. Using
instruments, it restructured and realigned the student/enrollment
functions to create cross-trained, multi-function customer
service workers
who could meet student needs for information on any issue
from admissions to
traffic tickets. This multifaceted redirection was
achieved without great
fanfare as a transformative exercise , but has
been highly successful.
Delaware is among the leaders in using
Web-based tools for academic and
administrative applications. It is
deploying many of its administrative
applications through Websites.
University of Minnesota,
The University of Minnesota, Crookston was in
severe financial straits. In
order to revive the attractiveness of its
academic programs, it undertook a
serious redirection of efforts,
including the shift to mandatory mobile
computing for faculty and
students. With everyone on campus using notebook
computers, the nature
of the academic interaction changed dramatically.
These changes has
increased the distinctiveness of the institution and
increased the
satisfaction of all participants.
George Mason University
George Mason University has been
"driving wedges into existing academic
cultures" for years. It has
created new academic units which it styles as
"institutes" to achieve
cross-disciplinary program focus. It has created a
distributed, interactive university serving Northern Virginia.
One of its most recent initiatives is the creation of a New Century
College. In this program, students create their own self-paced degree
program and
extensively utilize the tools of Information Age scholarship.
NCC is based
in the University s new University Learning center. This
signature building
integrates library, learning support, counseling, and
other academic
functions with student recreational and lounging space.
It has the feel of
an academic mall. This sort of facility is especially
important for commuter
Georgia Institute of Technology
Georgia Institute of
Technology has been pursuing a vision of becoming the
technological university for the 21st century.
One of the
mechanisms for redirecting its programs and processes was provided
by the
Georgia Tech Foundation (GTF). The GTF provides over $10 M per year
support to Tech in a whole variety of programmatic areas, both
administrative and academic. To assure that these investments were being
used strategically the GTF used a third-party evaluator to review the
programs and the nature of GTF s support. The results were used to
strategically reshape and redirect a number of programs to a more highly
strategic and leveraged direction.
Northwest Missouri State University
Northwest Missouri
State University is one of the leaders, nationally, in the
movement for
continuous quality improvement (CQI). It has used its CQI
initiatives to
improve campus programs in both academic and administrative
Recently, NMSU competed for the Baldrige Award and used the process
developing its application to refocus its quality efforts. This case
emblematic of the efforts of institutions that have launched quality
reengineering processes to shift their sights to transformation as a
legitimate goal for their efforts. Quality and reengineering processes
be very important in developing campus awareness and skills that are
for serious efforts at transformation.
Northern Illinois University
Northern Illinois
University is in the process of redirecting its
development and
institutional advancement processes to be a greater agent of
transformation. The these is simple: advancement and fund-raising can be
used much more effectively than is currently the norm to raise money for
investment in information technology (IT) infrastructure. By developing
specific fund-raising initiatives that involve the use of IT as a
transformative tool, and pitching these initiatives to potential donors
an interest in the IT industry, universities can increase both the
funds raised and direct a large share to transformational
For example, a donor who has made a fortune in the
technology business who
might give the university a $20,000 donation
might be inclined to give $2 M
to a creative, instructive program to use
technology to increase the
effectiveness of learning. Or to create an
endowment for pools of
instructional development specialists or for
graduate students to develop
The university is
rolling out these new initiatives in its next campaign.
Northern Arizona University
Arizona University is a nationally recognized leader in the use of
distance learning. Its distance learning network essentially serves as a
"utility" for the State of Arizona to reach learners all over the state,
including on the Indian Reservations. It also serves other state agency
needs. Northern Arizona's faculty have developed extensive experience in
using two-way audio, two-way video techniques and redesigning
techniques to suit these technologies.
university is now pursuing means to leverage these efforts and its
virtual instructional development capabilities to create new learning
that can be made part of the Western Governors Virtual
Regis University
Regis University is a leader in the development of accelerated
programs for adult learners. It has established comprehensive
partnerships with a number of major corporations, and links
workplace and
learning. In addition, Regis has formed a collaborative
network by which
shares innovative learning ideas and approaches with a
number of institutions
that apply these techniques on their campuses.
Regis has created an
innovative "New Venture Group" which is its learning
R&D unit. The NVG
generates a substantial profit every year through its
new programs and is a
creative mechanism for creating a future-oriented
learning vision for Regis
University and its participating educational
The newest set of challenges for Regis is how to
leverage these efforts in
the face of new developments in corporate
learning - the emergence of
perpetual learning that fuses work and
learning at the desktop. These new
developments are being assessed by
the New Ventures Group for inclusion in
the new generation of
Virginia Polytechnic
Institute and State University
Virginia Tech is one of the
most active participants in the National Learning
Initiative (NLII), a national consortium of colleges,
universities, and
other parties dedicated to the use of information
technology to create a
new learning infrastructure.
Virginia Tech has undertaken a
Cyberschool Initiative, a $10M investment in
equipping, training, and
motivating faculty to use technology in learning and
other forms of
scholarship. Tech has put almost all of its faculty through
hands-on training, and the result are paying off in substantial
in the use of technology in all disciplines. In addition, they are
creating new learning materials, learningware, and "snippets" of
instructional material that can be used in courses in a variety of
This is an excellent example of an institution making a
strategic investment in the face of substantial financial
(reduced state appropriations over a seven-year period).
Portland State University
Portland State University has been recognized by the Pew Roundtables as
of the leaders in Information Age learning. They have focused on
the use of information technology in the learning process and
changing the
patterns of academic practice.
As a consequence,
Portland State has developed learning vision groups around
campus to
accelerate the deployment of technology in the learning process and
expand the use of innovation in learning. They are a good example of
building broadly participatory planning and innovation groups and
that spirit into the campus culture.
Eastern Michigan University
Eastern Michigan
University redirected its career planning and academic
processes to transformative ends. It has created a Career
Program which integrates career planning, academic advising, and
counseling. It has developed an intrusive planning and advising
by which students create a career and academic plan which is used by
faculty, career planners, and counselors to advise and guide
This system is a "trip wire" that enables any of a
number of interveners to
contact students when they deviate from their
course. The program is being
lauded for its early involvement of
students in concretely planning their
directions. Future plans call for
extensive use of Website-based materials
and extension of the program to
K-12 learners.
Maricopa Community
Maricopa Community College is a member of the League
for Innovation in
Community Colleges and is nationally known for its
innovative programs. One
of the important initiatives it has launched
recently is the creation of a
new generation of Student Information
Systems. These systems prominently
feature the use of student portfolios
and learning management techniques.
They enable a much more robust
capacity to carry learners as perpetual
learners throughout their
lifetimes. New generations of tools such as this
will be critical in the
ongoing transformation of learning.
Arizona Learning Systems
Arizona Learning Systems is a
consortium of the community colleges in
Arizona. It is dedicated to
creating a virtual community college in Arizona,
with programs that are
decisively competency-based.
Building on the excitement and
political stimulus generated by the Western
Governors Virtual
University, ALS is moving forward to establish the
mechanism to be a
major player in the virtual programmatic network createdby