(list of group participants)

Group 2

  1. Training time and money

  2. Legal obstacles

  3. Financial aid not set up to handle new delivery methods

  4. Need for time, support, expertise

  5. Hard to get out of the routine: we’ve always done it this way, we tried that once

  6. Aging of our faculty and staff: not as easy to change; opportunity, too, as these retire

  7. Revenues: not all in our control and difficult to project

  8. Not all people we serve are ready to use technologies, even if/when we offer it

Group 3

  1. MONEY, TIME, Mindset – inability to think "outside the box"

  2. Resistance to change, FEAR of change and the rate at which change will take over us

  3. People are biding their time: instant gratification mindset means that persons don't have patience to see and accommodate changes that are coming

  4. CHANGE, CHANGE, CHANGE – can’t take the time to think it through

  5. Limited resources and personnel to provide the training required to use information technology

  6. Diversity of population may require service delivery changes, add-on not a substitute for professional duties

  7. Letting go of tradition to be replaced by future

  8. Providing a true transition process to address and enhance capacity to change

  9. Lack of institutional consensus and vision

Group 5

  1. Budget

  2. Staff and student resistance to change (perpetual learning is a must)

  3. Training responsibilities (outside entities, internal responsibilities, cross functional training, etc.)

  4. Gap between students that board the train and those that don’t or won’t

  5. Exponential increase in change and how it impedes the planning process

  6. Importance and acceptance of an integrated system: accessible to all, information at your fingertips

Group 6

  1. How can technology improve our ability to be a better student advocate?

  2. Customization of tools and services?

  3. Will there still be 28 community colleges? Or will they be centers of excellence?

  4. Financial and personnel resources

  5. Mindset, change from within

  6. What will student services look like in 2008? How can we know the obstacles when the vision changes as fast as the technology?

  7. Tenure of faculty, impedes change

  8. Conflict between current reporting and accountability requirements and the flexibility of future

  9. How will we use the new tools to enhance student learning & success?

  10. Career advisement of the future?

  11. We must use technology, students will demand it

  12. Required staff development?

  13. High tech = high touch

Strategies for Realizing the Vision

Group 2

  1. Technology vision/committee

  2. Visioning group for the college, shared vision

  3. Buy off the shelf products to get started

  4. Get instructional designer on board, contracted or employee, to assist faculty

  5. As we move ahead, need to give our staff considerations or incentives as we might instructional faculty to move forward in using the technologies

  6. Perform our roles in keeping our colleagues up to date on new initiatives, whether in our own areas of responsibility, or an outside development.

  7. Partner, partner, partner!

  8. Sharing resources: for example, develop and share online advising system

  9. Do time-consuming things like state and federal reports that we all have in common through a common data system so that we free time for other things

  10. Share in other areas, too, like models developed by institutional research offices

  11. Free up resources: stop doing things the old way AND the new way

  12. Use new technologies to free up resources, like scanning records

  13. Change attitudes: work on the Web is still work.

  14. Early retirement incentives

Group 3

  1. Training for staff: work at losing the "FEAR" or anxiety of using technology

  2. Customer focus

  3. Grant applications, collaborations, and partnerships with other interested parties to bring technology to campus use

  4. PUSH technology

  5. Develop "filters" to handle information and technology (customizing for ease of access and use)

  6. Learn where and how you learn, determine personal motivation for enhanced performance, develop mentors and training teams, allow time for courses under employee benefits

  7. Develop collaborative arrangements with businesses and local agencies

  8. Develop training program for staff

  9. Work to clarify vision and create consensus

  10. Employ a Webmaster for student services

  11. Reconsider roles: are the traditional "jobs", the jobs of the future?

  12. Encourage students to determine their learning styles

  13. Individualize services to students

  14. Employ an instructional designer to assist

  15. Outsource services

Group 5

  1. Maintain a focus that we are student advocates

  2. Develop a process to manage the system of change

Group 6

  1. New hiring/screenings process

  2. New expectations for current employees

  3. Change becomes a constant

  4. Efficiencies of technology

  5. Contract web master resources

  6. Instructional designer, help faculty use more technology in the classroom

  7. Partnering within for improved seamless services and externally with other colleges

  8. Outsource: placement, daycare, bookstore, foodservices, counseling (educational consultant), maintenance

  9. Rename student services – "perpetual learner service consultants"

  10. New ways of providing leadership

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