Dale F. Campbell
Institute for Higher Education
University of Florida
Since their inception,
community colleges have been adaptive and responsive to society and community needs. The
colleges of the future will remain constant in their philosophical commitment to access
and quality. Community college leaders, however, will be faced with crucial choices that
are far from constant in planning for the future of their institutions. These choices will
shape not only the organization and delivery of their respective programs, but the type of
institution the community college will become.
My assumptions in developing a scenario
for the future employ an adaption framework. I believe there are certain trend setters or bellwethers
that we can examine to predict the future of community colleges. John Naisbitt's book Megatrends
coined the term bellwether for states where most of the social invention in America occurs
Community college leaders,
however, will be faced with crucial choices in planning for the future of their
institutions. |
(1982). The bellwether model is useful for community college leaders. The model assumes
in part that colleges are able to assess their own stage of adaptation to benefit from the
lessons learned from the trendsetters in providing leadership for their institutions. The
model, however, does have its limitations. For example, in developing a vision for the
future of community colleges for 2010, would I still use the three bellwethers for
education that Bill Ballenger and I used in a 1984 futures scenario (that is, in-house
business and industry training programs, the military, and member colleges of the League
for Innovation)? No. What has happened since 1984 has changed my perspective on the
framework and the assumptions that I used to develop the current scenario on the future of
community colleges.
Enter the Global Paradox
"'The bigger the world economy, the more powerful its smallest players,' is--like all
paradoxes--an apparent contradiction, but when understood it becomes a sturdy framework
for understanding the world" (Naisbitt, 1994, p. 12). It seems most appropriate that
Naisbitt, who initially coined the term bellwether, would also be influential a decade
later in causing me to reexamine my assumptions. The initial bellwethers I had chosen for
community colleges were for the most part big. Usually the only in-house business
and industry training programs are in big corporations. The military has a big technical
training component. The League for Innovation is composed primarily of big community
colleges. Each sector was large enough to have a sufficient resource base for research to
test new ideas and promote innovation. The first question I was faced with is whether
"big" was still a valid assumption in determining bellwethers for education.
Naisbitt (1994) states that the formulation of strategic alliances such as the League is
one mechanism for avoiding getting bigger. Strategic alliances also allow the pooling of
resources for innovation and the ability to transcend geographic or political boundaries,
which are becoming less relevant in the telecommunications age.
For our scenario, let's consider for our
bellwether framework the additional factor of the types of strategic alliances that are
forming, which resemble recent well-publicized communications mergers in the broadcasting
and entertainment industry. The trend toward communication alliances is paying little
attention to national borders. Cross-industry and cross-border alliances are becoming a
strategy for growth (Naisbitt, 1994).
Two recently formed strategic alliances
were represented at the 1996 Community College Futures Assembly, which focused on the
theme "Building Learning Communities." Florida's Brevard Community College,
which had formed a partnership with America Online to form the World Community College,
and the Colorado Community College and Occupational Education System, which had formed a
partnership with Jones Educational Network, shared what they had learned with the assembly
participants. Jones had entered into a similar partnership with the League for Innovation
the previous year to form the International Community College. Each of these alliances
position the entities to transcend geographic and political boundaries and meet a growing
demand in the educational marketplace for learning on demand. Strategic alliances such as
these lend further credence to James Morrison's (1996) hypothetical question, "What
if a major software company (such as Microsoft) joins with a provider of educational
materials (say, Disney) and a telecommunications company (such as AT&T) to produce and
sell educational training modules?" I believe that the types of community colleges of
the future will be dependent upon how the colleges define their service community--local,
state or regional, global. Institutions of the future will mirror trends currently
occurring in three sectors of the transportation industry: railroads, airlines, and
Local Community College. These
institutions will primarily define their program mix to continue to meet the needs of
their local community and service area. Instructional programs and organization will
consist of core missions of transfer, technical programs, developmental education, and
community service somewhat resembling the line of connected box cars on a railroad.
Distance learning will primarily make use of cable TV, which is accessible to 98 percent
of the college students within most college districts, but is limited in the scheduling of
offerings by the times that are available for broadcast. Many of the institutions will
join the PBS "Going the Distance" program, which enables students to earn an
associate degree via telecourses. The colleges will continue to work with the local and
state educational political bodies and respect boundaries for coordination, approval,
evaluation, and funding of their educational programs. These institutions will be similar
to Piland's traditional college (199495).
State or Regional Community College.
These institutions will mirror changes going on in the airline industry as a result of
deregulation and mergers. There will be increasing emphasis on transformation similar to
Terry O'Banion's vision of the "Learning College" (199596). This will
occur mostly in what Al Lorenzo, president of Macomb Community College, referred to at the
Inaugural Futures Assembly as "shadow colleges," where an increasingly
significant portion of the college programs are operated in an entrepreneurial fashion in
partnership with business and industry and as self-supporting or revenue-generating
enterprises (1995).
Institutions of the future
will mirror trends currently occurring in three sectors of the transportation industry:
railroads, airlines, and tourism. |
The distinction of credit and noncredit courses will blur with the increased emphasis
on demonstration of knowledge, skills, and abilities. Distance learning will be a
combination of telecourses and delivery over the Internet. Charter college applications
will increase in order to be released from state mandates and geographic restrictions and
to be competitive in the marketplace. Performance standards imposed by the legislatures
will continue to be rather crude, resembling the on-time arrival measures of the airlines.
Some program consolidation will occur, along the lines of the mergers between community
and technical colleges that have already begun, as state legislatures increasingly view
distance learning as a way to gain efficiency. The colleges will be funded with both
public and private funds. Colleges and their faculty will identify more with their
strategic alliances and leaders in their discipline nationwide rather than within the
state. They will increasingly have more in common through membership in organizations such
as the League for Innovation and the Continuous Quality Improvement Network. Partnerships
such as the International Community College will continue to develop but will be hampered
by concern about impact on the home campuses and by varying state standards. These
institutions will continue to be the bellwethers for the majority of the colleges
Global Community College. These
institutions will mirror the tourism industry. Tourism not only focuses on your mode of
transportation, but develops a personalized package with opportunities for sightseeing and
learning for each customer. The industry already has many interlocking strategic alliances
and networks to assist
The global community college
will work with a global network of individual providers to develop a customized learning
plan for each individual or company. |
each potential traveler. In the twenty-first century, it will be possible for anyone to
access a seamless global tourism-information network from a home computer. You will be
able to connect with a one-stop travel agent who can access your interests and develop a
portfolio of options for your trip. The agent will also follow up with you after your trip
to ensure your satisfaction as a customer. An assessment of your interests will include
previewing interactive videos that will enable you to experience segments of the trip
before departure through "virtual travel." The agent prices multiple routes by
accessing multiple partners in the industry from airlines, cruise ships, railroads,
hotels, and restaurant chains to develop a customized and affordable plan for each
traveler. National standards for the travel industry are being developed such as those in
Canada to coordinate the development of occupational standards and nationally recognized
industry-based certification programs (Naisbitt, 1994). Do you see any parallels for
community colleges?
The global community college will
encompass many elements of the tourism industry and will work with a global network of
individual providers to develop a customized learning plan for each individual or company.
The Jones Educational Network's founding of the International University College (IUC) is
one example of private sector pioneering of this model. IUC is the degree-granting arm of
Jones telecommunications; it enables the company to develop, access, broker, and
distribute courses and services worldwide. The institution is in the process of applying
for regional accreditation and is structured similarly to the infrastructure of the
Community College of the Air Force. CCAF relies on a worldwide network of base educational
officers and counselors to advise students and transfer in general education and related
courses from area colleges to apply to the associate degree programs. If CCAF's success is
any indication of market potential, IUC in the future could become one of the largest
awarders of baccalaureate degrees. The global community college will contract with various
"star" faculty to develop curricula congruent with nationally recognized
standards. A royalty and distribution system will be developed similar to the one that
serves actors in the movie industry. Commissioned faculty will be franchised to provide
the curriculum locally along with regional assessment centers for counseling and advising.
Services will include the development of portfolios to evaluate experience and prior
learning for award of credit (Tate, 199596). Each student will complete a capstone
experience upon finishing the program to actually demonstrate competency before attainment
of the degree. The ability of global community college graduates to demonstrate their
skills will result in high credibility of their credentials in the marketplace. The global
community college will also "guarantee" graduates and will provide opportunities
for continuous lifetime learning for alumni. The college will be private and keep costs
low through use of latest technology and its world wide delivery system. It will cut
across traditional state and community college service boundaries.
Is such a scenario for the global
community college likely? Some striking parallels with the entertainment industry seem to
make this scenario highly probable. Frank and Cook, in The Winner Take All Society
(1995), analyze a trend in our economy where more people compete for fewer rewards.
Sophisticated technologies and global markets enable consumers to listen to and hear only
"star" artists--and the trend is spreading
The question about the
global community college scenario is not if it will happen, but when. |
to other businesses, including higher education. Consumers have benefited by being able
to hear the original artist on CD for less than the cost to hear a local artist at the
community theater. Yes, community theater still exists, but in fewer places and with
smaller total audience. These trends raise some fundamental questions regarding our values
and the choices we make for our curriculum and the impact on the communities we serve.
These are crucial issues that merit further examination. Nevertheless, the parallel trends
are striking for those of us in community college education. I believe that we can
anticipate similar shifts occurring over the next decade in the programs of community
colleges. The question about the global community college scenario is not if it will
happen, but when. Key questions for community college leaders in planning for the future
will be how your college board of trustees will define your community, what strategic
alliances you will form, how you will shape your curriculum to meet the needs of that
community, and what impact your choices will have on students, communities, and society in
the future.
"Building Learning Communities." 1996 Community College Futures Assembly,
Institute of Higher Education, University of Florida, Orlando, Fla., March, 1996.
Campbell, D. F., and Ballenger, W. L. "The Future of Microcomputers in Community
Colleges." In D. A. Dellow, and L. H. Poole (eds.), Microcomputer Applications in
Administration and Instruction. New Directions for Community Colleges, no. 47. San
Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1984.
Frank, R. H., and Cook, P. J. The Winner Take All Society. New York: Free Press,
Lorenzo, A. Presentation at "Beyond 2000: Visioning the Future of Community
Colleges," Inaugural Community College Futures Assembly, Institute of Higher
Education, University of Florida, Orlando, Fla., Feb. 1995.
Morrison, J. L. "Anticipating the Future."
On the Horizon, 1996, 4(3), 26.
Naisbitt, J. Megatrends: Ten New Directions Transforming Our Lives. New York:
Warner Books, 1982.
Naisbitt, J. The Global Paradox. New York: Morrow, 1994.
O'Banion, T. "A Learning College for the 21st Century." Community College
Journal, Dec./Jan. 199596, pp. 1823.
Piland, B. "California Community Colleges at the Crossroads." Community
College Journal, Dec./Jan. 199495, pp. 2528.
Tate, P. "Learning for a New Century." Community College Journal,
Dec./Jan. 199596, pp. 3134.