General Information


Specific Competencies




Technical Instructions

Final Note

Main Page

Spring 1999

Spring 1998

Spring 1997

Spring 1996
  1. Write a scanning abstract according to the criteria specified in the procedures section. Remember: write about items in any of the STEEP sectors that represent a signal of change that will affect public education.
  2. Write an issue analysis paper according to the criteria specified in the procedures section. This paper will be written as a member of a 2-3 person team exploring the issue.
  3. Critique an issue analysis paper. I will assign the papers you are to critique. As noted above, the papers you are to critique will be on the Horizon server. Please use the blue option (revision function, under the tools menu) to write your critique. I will comment not only on your issue analysis paper, but also on the critiques that you receive from your colleagues. Indeed, as you may note in the evaluation section, your grade on the critiques is based on the extent to which they are helpful to the authors when they redraft their manuscripts. For an example of how professionals critique papers, see the first draft that Bill Spady submitted for publication consideration in On the Horizon, critics' comments on this draft, and his revised paper.
  4. Post scanning abstract and issue analysis paper revisions to your Web site. The format styles for scanning abstracts and for issue analysis papers are specified in the procedures section.
  5. Post your revised scanning abstract to Horizon List for review and possible critique/comment from Horizon List subscribers (only if I suggest that you do so; we need to be careful not to overload the list.) If I suggest that you post your abstract to Horizon List, save your abstract as "text only." Use the compose command to address Horizon List at Describe the abstract in the subject line. Select the text file, copy it, and paste the text in the message box.
  6. Prepare and present your team issue analysis paper to the class as a rehearsal for your presentation to the US Department of Education (in case you are called upon to do so). Review the guidelines and helpful hints for oral presentations prior to preparing the issue analysis paper for presentation to the class. Post your PowerPoint slides to your personal Web site and to your team's Web site.

Note: When writing your papers and abstracts, be sure to cite your references using proper APA style for both print and online sources.You may also find it helpful to review Determining the Validity of Internet Sources.

Last updated: 08 January 1999