James L. Morrison
[Note: This is a re-formatted manuscript that was originally published in
On the Horizon, 1992, 1(1), 9. It is posted here with permission
from Jossey Bass
The subject of U. S. foreign aid has become one of the most avoided topics in
the current American political scene. The amount of "take-care-of-America-first"
rhetoric reveals the creeping isolationism that is coming increasingly to
control U. S. foreign policy. Washington is not likely to take advantage of the
opportunity for exercising world leadership that lies waiting as a result of an
end to the Cold War, even though it is calculated that about $100 million in
foreign aid can be redirected from current recipients to the new republics of
the former Soviet Union.
Despite the large-sounding totals, America devotes only about 0.3% of its
gross national product on foreign aid, as opposed to 2% to 3% in the days of the
Marshall Plan after World War U. Right now, the prospects for reevaluating the
U.S. policy of giving to foreign countries are not good. A new mood of
isolationism (some might say its pressing domestic needs) is behind these policy
judgments. [Seib G. (1992, January 6). U.S. foreign aid, Unpopular at home, is
slow to adjust to a changing world. The Wall Street Journal, p. Al 1.]
According to Pat Robertson, televangelist host of The 70OClub, the new world
order is actually a quest to eliminate national sovereignty, to destroy the
Christian faith, and to establish a world government, a world police force,
world courts, world banking and currency, and a world elite in charge of it all.
To Robertson, dominant forces espousing this view m the Council on Foreign
Relations and the Trilateral Commission—the behind-the-scenes Establishment.
Other forces, according to Robertson, include various global issues and world
order programs at major universities. Robertson states: "Consistently, the view
is futurist, applying alternative visions, imaging, and other fanciful means of
exploring the promised globalist world-view which they believe is just ahead of
us. Supporting the research and development of all these programs are some 150
foundations, funding agencies, and research councils, ranging from Amnesty
International to the World Future Society." Specifically mentioned villains
include Richard Falk, Norman Cousins, Fritjof Capra, Willis Harman, the New Age
world religion, the UN treaty on the Rights of the Child, and "the forward
thinking plans of the Club of Rome-4he notorious pro-death group that preaches
the doctrine of zero population growth." The one thing that utopian dreamers
always omit, says Robertson, is the sinful nature of man. Peace will only come
when its source is following from the benign influence of Almighty God. "There
is absolutely no way that government can operate successfully unless led by
godly men and women operating under the laws of the God of Jacob." Robertson has
formed the Christian Coalition to rebuild the foundation for a free, sovereign
America and to wage the "epic struggle" between "people of faith and people of
the humanistic-occult sphere." [Robertson, P. (1991, September). The New
World Order. Dallas, TX: Word Publishing.]
We should note that Robertson heads a fairly sizable media empire, and hosts
"The 700 Club" on TV, seen in 86 countries. The New World Order was # I
on the Publishers Weekly Religious Bestsellers list and among the top ten on the
secular nonfiction bestseller list. Robertson exemplifies some of the forces
opposing a comprehensive foreign aid program, though there appears to be
unprecedented opportunity to facilitate the development of democracy around the
world. Economic problems are another force that appears to be nudging the US
toward isolationism.
However, efforts such as Operation Restore Hope run counter to isolationism.
The global leadership exhibited in the last days of the Bush administration, and
the generally bipartisan support it has received may bolster the role of
colleges and universities in preparing leaders with a global perspective for an
increasingly politically and economically connected world. |