by James L. Morrison
[Note: This is a re-formatted manuscript that was originally published in
On the Horizon, 1992, 1(3), 6-7. It is posted here with permission
from Jossey Bass
More than one half of the
state colleges and universities in the country are operating on reduced budgets. In order
to survive in tough economic times, many campuses are targeting programs for reduction.
The process of identifying programs for reduction using a cost benefit analysis is quite
simple. However, the politics of the academic environment make it quite difficult to
eliminate costly, counterproductive programs. If a cost reform initiative is to be
introduced to state colleges and universities, it will likely come from outside, (e.g.
from the legislature, trustees or others with strong financial leverage).
Academic research is one activity that
does not stand up well in a cost benefit analysis. Academic research absorbs enormous
resources with a questionable return on investment. While some academic research has
substantial value, vast amounts of research serve no other purpose other than to advance
the careers of those who publish it. Robert W. Clower, former editor of The American
Economic Review, surmised that most of the scholarly papers that came in to him
represented "absolute dullness, the lack of any kind of new idea." Clower
concluded that "most papers would have been better off if they had not been
To Sowell, a well-known conservative
Afro-American scholar, the most efficient strategy to improve the quality of teaching is
to eliminate the "publish or perish" objective of academic employment. A drastic
reduction in academic research would bring more professors back in touch with the
students. The net result would be a better learning environment and a higher quality
education. [Sowell, T. (1992, November 27) 'Publish or perish' slights students. The
Herald-Sun, Durham, NC.]
This article represents an increasing perception by the public that the emphasis on
research and publication adversely affects the quality of the learning environment. This
issue, which has been argued vehemently on university campuses for decades, is
increasingly visible on editorial pages and audible in the halls of legislatures. If the
argument is not resolved on campus, it may be resolved in the state-house; mandated
teaching loads and class sizes may well be the result.