James L. Morrison
[Note: This is a re-formatted manuscript that was originally published in
On the Horizon, 1993, 1(3), 8. It is posted here with permission
from Jossey Bass
Colleges and universities are being forced to deal with unanticipated
challenges because of current economic and future demographic pressures. The
challenges that higher education will face include cuts in government funds,
endowments, gifts and grants; a drop in student applications as increased
numbers of applicants cannot afford tuition; a decline in the quality of
students as a consequence of the competition for dwindling numbers of students;
the diversion of funds to K-12; and state policy-makers questioning the concept
of higher education as a public good.
Information technology will play a crucial role in this new operating
environment by altering methods of student evaluation, professors' duties and
responsibilities, and the central role of classroom lectures as a mode of
instruction. Distance learning systems are likely to become increasingly
important as institutions use this technology to enable students to forego
lectures and demonstrations in favor of multimedia presentations. Teaching
skills could change accordingly and shift from instructional delivery to
instructional design. [1990s pose difficult challenges for most colleges and
universities. (1992, Fall). What's Next, Vol. 14, No. 3., p. 4.]
As growing numbers of colleges and universities take to the air waves to
deliver instruction, competition for students, markets, channels, broadcast
licenses, and exclusive rights to offer particular curricula, will greatly
intensify between sectors of higher education and between institutions in-state
and across-state. Will a new phenomenon appear among faculty--the professor who
is a media star/celebrity (e.g., Carl Sagan)? Will faculty careers be influenced
by telegenics, as has come to be true of news anchors? |