by James L.
[Note: This is a re-formatted manuscript that was originally published in
On the Horizon, 1993, 2(1), 3-4. It is posted here with permission
from Jossey Bass
Recently Jim Hearn, Richard
Clugston and Rick Heydinger, pioneers in environmental scanning techniques at the
University of Minnesota (UM), published a five-year follow-up to the UM scanning effort
(Hearn, Clugston, & Heydinger, 1993) originally described by Hearn and Heydinger
(1985). I commend both articles to you. They contain a comprehensive review of literature
describing theoretical and prescriptive environmental scanning models, the model the
authors and their colleagues attempted to implement at UM, and a review of the
implementation over the 1983-88 time period.
The model they sought to implement was a
theory-based, voluntary effort directed by staff of the academic vice president's office.
The model was comprehensive and systematic (i.e., they scanned the social, technological,
economic and political sectors using a variety of information resources). Scanners
published abstracts containing a summary of information they thought would be of value to
total organizational planning. In the 1985 article Hearn and Heydinger noted that research
universities may ignore systematic environmental scanning because such efforts raise
organizational tensions (e.g., questions of whether scanners will include value-neutral
items for information only or provide interpretation and recommendations for action;
whether focus will be on process or on product; whether small issues and trends will be
considered along with large ones; whether scanning responsibilities will be assigned to
volunteers or staff; whether work will be done individually or collectively; whether a
centralized strategy will be pursued or only centralized coordination sought). Hearn and
Heydinger concluded that without full support from the top, no scanning effort would be
The purpose of the 1993 article was to
examine the results of the scanning effort at UM. To do so, they interviewed eight top UM
administrators, including a vice president, five deans or associate deans, and two
planning officers. Hearn, Clugston and Heydinger concluded that scanning had not become
institutionalized at UM, even though several aspects of scanning were continued. Although
scanning was no longer being pursued at the central level (e.g., the faculty senate), it
was at several academic and nonacademic units, primarily in the professional schools.
Scanning products tended to be unstructured (unwritten and vague) and value-laden (prone
to active interpretation). In those units incorporating scanning in their planning
activities, scanning had taken the leap from voluntary to mandatory: a part of regular job
Why didn't scanning become
institutionalized? Hearn, Clugston and Heydinger (1993) suggested several possible
reasons. A barrier was automatically present in UM's organizational structure as a large,
complex, loosely coupled, highly differentiated research university, characterized by
slowness and uncertainty vis-à-vis external threats or opportunities. No champions in
positions of power argued that the process should be central to the planning process. A
"policy vacuum" existed at UM (i.e., no constituency of policy makers eagerly
awaited the results of the scanning effort). Trend analyses and issue briefs were often
seen as having little relevance. Policy makers felt that if the effort were expanded, it
would burden leaders with additional staff. Scanning was seen as placing time and energy
demands on participants, thereby raising cost-effectiveness concerns. University
administrators saw adapting to external trends and markets as conflicting with the pursuit
of academic quality. Top administrators expressed suspicions concerning the logic and
usefulness of scanning activities. Scanning seemed insufficiently connected to the mission
of the institution.
Nevertheless, Hearn et al. (1993) foresee
an increasing need for attention to the external environment at UM, because we are
entering "a time in which historic alignments with external, traditionally serviced
constituencies are being changed fundamentally. Such realignments may call forth a period
of organizational 're-creation,' with special needs for monitoring and responding to
environmental developments (p. 33)." For scanning to succeed, it will need to be
integrated into decision making activities; legitimized as a priority for administrators;
oriented toward output; opened to the dynamic aspects of anarchic organizations rather
than rationalized into discrete categories; treated as an art to be developed, not a magic
bullet of instant utility; and to be strategically focused, rather than focused on
general, all-purpose reconnaissance.
I appreciate the scholarly care and
insight with which Hearn, Clugston, and Heydinger have prepared this case study. The
article is instructive, and adds to our developing knowledge of the use of this important
tool in effective planning. As a long-time advocate of environmental scanning, I concur
with their argument that senior leaders must attend more carefully to the external
environment in these turbulent times. The time and effort senior leaders expend in
scanning and interpreting the implications of changes in the external environment for
their institution not only expands their personal and collective knowledge, but also
facilitates a common, proactive view of their institution's future.
However, as Hearn et al. point out, even
introducing a scanning system at an institution is difficult; actually establishing a
scanning system organizationally requires much time and effort. Consequently, most
institutions do not have a comprehensive, on-going scanning process.
We hope that On the Horizon can
fill this void by providing information that can facilitate planning at institutions that
cannot afford to establish their own process. Our notion of the site licenses was that the
CEO, or the director of institutional research and planning, with limited staff and
resources, could keep campus leaders informed of potential developments by regularly
giving them On the Horizon, buttressed, perhaps, with his or her own commentary
about the implications for that particular campus. Please let us know how we are doing.
Hearn, J.C., Clugston, R.M., & Heydinger, R. B. (1993, Fall). Five years of strategic
environmental assessment efforts at a research university: A case study of an
organizational innovation. Innovative Higher Education, 18(1), pp. 7-36.
Hearn, J. C. & Heydinger, R. B. (1985). Scanning the external environment of a
university: Objectives, constraints, and possibilities. Journal of Higher Education,
56(4), 419-445.