Computer-Mediated Communication and the Online Classroom:
Overview and Perspectives. (Hampton Press, 1995)
Berge, Z. L. & Collins, M. P. (Eds.) (1995). Computer-Mediated
Communication and the Online Classroom: Volumes 1-3. Cresskill,
NJ: Hampton Press.
Chapter 1
provides a foundation for understanding the terminology and processes of computer-mediated communication. Gerald M. Santoro defines CMC and gives examples of the various ways in which computers are used to mediate human communication, especially in support of instruction. This chapter describes how typical members of the academic community use computers for direct, human-to-human communication, informatics, and computer-aided instruction. Santoro describes the basic functions of electronic mail, group conferencing, and interactive messaging systems before going on to discuss the purposes of on-line databases and campus-wide information systems. This chapter provides the basic concepts and context necessary for understanding the more specific and in-depth information provided in later chapters.
In Chapter 2, Jill H. Ellsworth addresses
the second half of our title, "And the Online Classroom."
In an effort to expand access, meet learner needs and overcome
problems encountered by nontraditional, commuter students, she
instituted CMC in two courses requiring intensive interaction
between student and faculty. For many students, CMC provided a
new avenue for learning--one not reliant on time, location, or
instructor--that allowed them to access information in an exploratory
fashion. Further, CMC gave many students a chance to use electronic
mail, computer conferencing, and synchronous communication with
their peers to independently build their ownuseful knowledge structures.
CMC's flexibility and variety allows instructors
to meet numerous learning and personal needs, especially when
working with individuals with special needs and those who are
less mobile or shy. However, many CMC applications require that
students first ta ke the time to learn considerable information
and skills and be provided with access to computers and software
that can be costly.
Ellsworth determined that CMC enhances both the teaching
and the learning process. In considering the major benefits of
CMC, her students said that they appreciated the timely feedback,
the accessibility of faculty and resources outside of class hours,
and their ability to get more out of the class.
James N. Shimabukuro,
in Chapter 3, examines the potential impact of computer-mediated
communication on writing instruction by developing a future scenario
in a college setting. However, the scenario is equally relevant
to other instructional levels. He next describes the growth of
computer networks, using a generational model:
First: Local Area Network (LAN)
Second: Wide Area Network (WAN)
Third: Remote Access Network (RAN)
Fourth: Global Access Network (GAN)
In the fourth generation model, the traditional college
campus is no longer the focal point of instructional delivery;
instructors and students are electronically linked around the
world, and they seldom, if ever, meet face-to-face. Faculty offices
do not have to be grouped at a single geographical location; instructors
are able to work out of home offices, often far removed from a
physical campus. A campus may house conferencing and administrative
facilities, but traditional classrooms have all but disappeared;
the future campus is primarily the geographical base for the mainframe
or whatever system functions as the network server. Shimabukuro
has based his future scenario on the ways the university community
might use CMC in a fourth generation network, and he closes his
chapter with a discussion of the consequences and implications
of this model for classroom teachers today.
In Chapter 4, Joseph Kinner and Norman
Coombs outline the problems and opportunities of adaptive
computing and provides vignettes of persons who have made significant
use of adaptive computing in school. The chapter gives an in-depth
report on a pilot project that enabled two courses using the Internet
to unite classes of hearing and deaf students from Gallaudet University
and the Rochester Institute of Technology into a single, virtual
classroom. Two-thirds of the participants were hearing-impaired,
and one was blind. The success of this project demonstrates ways
inwhich CMC can mainstream disabled learners into the educational
Kinner and Coombs take the position that the personal
computer equipped with adaptive technology is one of the most
empowering and liberating tools in the lives of persons with physical
disabilities. The computer, along with the CMC it enables, opens
education and the entire information world to a new population.
Further, it has been demonstrated that CMC can enable this population
in a mainstream environment.
In Chapter 5, Ann Pemberton and Robert
Zenhausern explore how CMC can be used as a rehabilitation
technique by providing basic computer literacy, motivational reading,
writing, and thinking activities, and an introduction to the world
to adolescents with educational disabilities. The authors summarize
actual classroom situations that have arisen over the past two
years as a result of their CMC activities, and at the same time
show how special education teachers can use CMC to address their
own professional needs. They draw their examples from the archives
of a series of listerv discussion groups located at St. John's
University in New York City and transcripts of the on-line experiences
of learning disabled adolescents in a high school in rural Virginia.
The chapter concludes with tips for teachers and a list of available
on-line resources specific to the needs of those involved in special
In Chapter 6, Linda S. Fowler and Daniel
D. Wheeler report on a nationwide survey of 25 Kindergarten-Grade
12 teachers actively using computer-mediated communications in
their classrooms, which found that these teachers were pleased
with their successes. The teachers reported that their use of
CMC contributed to the development of a cooperative learning environment
inwhich their students worked not only with each other, but also
with peers around the world. They also noted an increase in cultural
understanding and an improvement in writing skills. These teachers,
enthusiastic pioneers of CMC overcame considerable difficulties
to achieve their successes, but noted that better institutional
support will be necessary if CMC is to become wides pread in K-12
In Chapter 7, Katy Silberger examines
changes in the traditional role and structure of libraries in
higher education as they face the technological opportunities
and pressures stemming from increased use of new electronic information
formats, such as electronic journals and monographs, and electronic
publishing networks. In forecasting the role of the library of
the future, Silberger notes that the proliferation of electronic
text will add to, rather than replace, paper-based library holdings.
Not all libraries will choose to archive electronic text, but
instead will provide local, national, and international access
and retrieval services for their patrons. Silberger believes libraries
will remain the scholarly information centers of universities,
but increasingly, their added role will be to facilitate research
and communication within the global scholarly community.
George D. Baldwin, in
Chapter 8, opens with a discussion of the implicit conflict
between Indian cultural values and beliefs and the English language
used in most CMC. Indian students can adapt to the features of
CMC that promote cooperative, active learning; however, the text-based
nature of the medium is problematic, especially when students
are required to participate before they have ascertained the relative
ranking of other correspondents. But as long as students are allowed
to watch, "listen in," and reflect prior to active
CMC can help them learn some of the skills necessary for success
in the information society. Baldwin also reports on a number of
Native American educational computer conferencing networks, providing
access information and addresses.
John J. Saraille and Thomas
A. Gentry (Chapter 9) present the Fractal Factory,
a virtual laboratory for teaching and research that is evolving
from a combination of computer networks, new analytical programs,
digital image compression technology, and the expanding resources
of the Internet. The model and core concept for the Fractal Factory
come from the process of computing fractal dimensions, a process
that has applications in many subject areas and provides a new
cognitive linkage between the quantitative methods used in teaching
science and real-world problems. The authors discuss the current
status of the Fractal Factory in the hope that their example will
help others gain access to collaboration in this CMC venue. They
suggest that the study of fractals provides both a rich source
of new insight on the natural world and a subject matter with
broad applications for CMC-based instruction.
Raleigh C. Muns, in Chapter
10, suggests a continuity in scholarly communication from
the Socratic dialog to the computer-mediated scholarly discussion
groups typically found on the Internet. He describes and contrasts
the Internet's e-mail-based communication channels, listserv discussion
groups, and Usenet newsgroups, and offers two possible ways to
evaluate on-line discussions: forum analysis and a methodology
he developed for his own electronic publication, the List Review
Service. Muns briefly reviews five existing on-line discussion
forums that he has found useful for both learning about on-line
communication and uncovering Internet resources: PACS-L, Comserve,
Michael Szabo's chapter
(Chapter 11) has two purposes: to provide a brief historical
overview of PLATO and to examine several of PLATO's features that
support and promote a wide range of communication for student
learning. In developing one of the most powerful systems for the
computer-assisted instruction form of computer-human interaction,
PLATO's creators pioneered new methods of conferencing, messaging,
and database management. Examining these new methods should give
educators ideas about how they might develop their own communications
applications using evolving network systems such as PLATO.
In the 12th and final chapter, Fay Sudweeks,
Mauri Collins and John December introduce and explain
several other important resources for those interested in computer
networks, networking, and the Internet. They describe the basic
navigation tools (FTP and Telnet) and give instructions on how
to use these tools to search for, discover, and retrieve needed
information. The authors compare and contrast various interactive
conferencing systems, with an eye toward their potential uses
in education. December's CMC list offers readers a compact but
comprehensive guide to a broad range of resources concerning
communication available in several media.
PRESS, 1995)
In Chapter 1, Robert Nalley describes
the instructional design process that led to the incorporation
of CMC into two existing courses and offers practical guidance
in instructional design to those who would consider CMC as an
instructional tool.
Michael Day's and Trent
Batson's chapter (Chapter 2) demonstrates how a particular
application of CMC, Electronic Networks For Interaction (ENFI),
is being used to change the social dynamics of the writing classroom.
ENFI is not a specific software package but rather an electronic
implementation of the concept that writing can actually be taught
in a computer lab with a network supporting real-time CMC. Because
ENFI allows teachers and students to explore, collaborate, and
expand on ideas in class in writing, and allows them to see each
other in the process of developing ideas, writing to and for each
other and not just to "the teacher," ENFI supplements
and expands on the activities teachers can use to help students
meaningfully participate in a discourse community and improve
their writing.
In Chapter 3, Karen Hartman, Sara
Kiesler, Lee Sproull and their colleagues examine the
effects of using network technologies in learning to write on
teacher-student and student-student interactions. In a writing
course emphasizing multiple drafts and collaboration, two sections
used traditional modes of communication (face-to-face, paper,
phone);and two other sections, in addition to using traditional
modes, also used various electronic modes (electronic mail,
etc.). The patterns of social interaction were measured twice:
six weeks into the semester and again at the end of the semester.
Results indicate that teachers in the networked sections interacted
more with their students than teachers in the regular sections.
Whereas teachers in the regular sections marginally increased
their use of traditional communication overtime, teachers in the
networked sections substantially increased their use of electronic
communication over time without significantly decreasing their
use of traditional modes of teacher-student communication. In
addition, they found that teachers communicated more electronically
with less able students than with more able students and that
less able students communicated more electronically with other
In Chapter 4, Helen J. Schwartz uses
experiences gained in an introductory literature class over the
course of five semesters to explore the evolutionary process of
answering the questions: "How and why should technology be
used in a particular discipline?" and "How does it serve
urban commuters in particular?" Nontraditional urban commuter
students used computers in class and out to discuss course work
as a supplement to face-to-face classes. Experience with five
different configurations of pedagogical methods are described,
use of a computer program developed by Schwartz for use in her
classes. These helped shape procedures in a distance-education
course, with subsequent replanning. Her current conclusions are
presented, but she feels that teachers who learn from them must
also evolve and discover their own answers.
In the fifth chapter, Russell A. Hunt
describes one set of strategies, called "Collaborative
for embedding written language in social situations in educational
contexts. Dramatic changes in theories of language and literacy
learning have been underway for some time and have taken into
account ideas of pragmatic coherence, authenticity in interpersonal
dialogue, and situational constraints on communication. Only recently,
however, have there been consequences for classroom practice at
the postsecondary level. Huntís strategy has been used
in recent years in a wide range of disciplines and for students
ranging from freshmen to those in graduate school. More specifically,
it describes one way in which computer network technology has
been utilized to address the logistic and practical difficulties
posed by such uses of writing and reading and to facilitate treating
language in authentically dialogic ways. A class collaboratively
investigating 18th-century English literature used electronic
mail for communication between student and teacher and betweenstudents,
an electronic bulletin board for "class discussions"
and decision making, and a dedicated common directory for creating,
sharing, and editing research reports on various aspects of the
subject and for producing a "class book"--a desktop-published
result of the work of the course, of which each student got a
Edward Barrett's chapter
(Chapter 6) describes the Networked Educational On-line
System (NEOS) that was developed by writing faculty with support
from Project Athena at MIT. NEOS does not model presumed cognitive
states in students; rather it models the interactions among all
members of a writing class. NEOS supports the creation, exchange,
annotation, and display of text in real-class time, as well as
out of class at numerous workstations throughout the fully distributed
MIT network. Use of NEOS in the electronic classroom and out
of class empowers students as peer reviewers and can significantly
improve their writing skills. Barrett finds that many students
prefer it to the traditional classroom for its ability to integrate
theory and practice and for the greater interaction it supports
among all class members and instructors.
In Chapter 7, Cecilia G. Manrique and
Harry W. Gardiner describe some of the ways in which faculty
members at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse have employed
electronic mail in fulfilling the institutional trilateral goals
of bringing together computing, writing and internationalizing
the curriculum. Manrique and Gardiner include communication with
students in foreign countries as components of Political Science
and Cross-Cultural Psychology courses. Attention is given to some
of the advantages and disadvantages of using electronic mail in
specific courses, and they show where it has been successful as
well as note some of the pitfalls that accompany such a nontraditional
method of delivering education. Suggestions are made for incorporating
electronic mail into a variety of courses through resources available
to students and faculty in "netland."
Ted J. Singletary and
Holly Anderson, in Chapter 8, describe the First-Year
Teacher Network that was instituted by Boise State University
to help ease the difficult induction process of new teachers entering
the profession. Twenty-five first-year teachers in 10 southwestern
Idaho counties communicated through an electronic bulletin board
system on a wide range of classroom and emotional topics. The
support program, now in its fourth year of operation, has been
successful in providing neophytes with access to university expertise,
on-line databases, and other services. The First-Year Teacher Network
is perceived as a valuable source of peer support and as a way
to reduce feelings of isolation.
Karen Bruce's discussion
(Chapter 9) briefly elaborates on the importance of information
technology in medicine, outlines the use of various types of CMC
in that educational setting, and presents outcome data from a
project implementing a 2-year longitudinal computer curriculum
at East Carolina University School of Medicine. Bruce determined
that the information explosion in medical practice and science
had profoundly affected the information management needs of physicians
and physicians-in-training. Over the last 60 years the structure
and goals of medical education have remained essentially unchanged.
The volume of medical knowledge, however, has grown exponentially.
The sine qua non of a good medical education remains knowing all
you need to know, not just knowing how to discriminate what you
must know most of the time and where to find what you cannot possibly
know all of the time. Current information technology, including
computer-mediated communication (CMC), provides a number of tools
to improve medical practitioners' management and utilization of
this information. The value of information obtained via CMC continues
to improve rapidly; however, as Bruce points out, the ability
of physicians and physicians-in-training to use this technology
has not kept pace.
Gail Thomas' Chapter
10 describes the development and presentation of two courses
featuring on-line training for on-line information retrieval systems.
Beginning and advanced courses use the On-line Training and Practice
(ONTAP) databases of Dialog Information Services, Inc., and the
asynchronous computer conferencing capabilities of Unison's PARTI
software to deliver skills training over the modem. Both beginning
and advanced courses have been offered since 1989 for graduate
academic credit through Connected Education, Inc., and the Media
Studies Program, New School for Social Research, New York City,
In the final chapter (Chapter 11), Mauri
Collins presents a brief introduction to the various wide
area networks (BITnet, Internet, Fidonet, etc.), networking, and
the use of Internet information retrieval tools. Common networking
acronyms are defined and explained, and instructions for the use
of the file transfer protocol (ftp) and the remote login protocol
(Telnet) are given. The format for electronic mail addresses is
decoded and explained. Listserv and Usenet discussion groups are
introduced and differentiated and instructions are given for joining
Listserv discussion groups. The chapter concludes with a short
list of sources for further networking information.
The authors in this book use technological advances
that enable them to start implementing some of the educational
ideas we have been discussing with their students. Instead of
unwittingly supporting isolated efforts by individual distance
learners, they encourage discussion and collaboration. Rather
than an institutional or teacher-centered approach to instruction,
these educators take a more learner-centered approach.
Educators around the world are experimenting with
and laying the foundation for new opportunities for learners to
access education through connections and technologies that did
not exist 10 years ago. How will these new options affect our
understanding of the educational process? What provisions should
we be making now to prepare ourselves and our students to use
this new technology of CMC in the most pedagogically sound and
cost effective ways?
To begin to answer some of these questions, Justus
Lewi s, Janet Whitaker, and John Julian in Chapter
1 identify models for distance education and discuss some
of the issues raised and opportunities provided by computer
within distance-learning environments.
Morten Paulsen in Chapter
2 presents an array of illustrative CMC applications for on-line
classrooms and distance education programs. Each application is
classified according to its predominant communication paradigm:
one-alone, one-to-one, one-to -many, and many-to-many. Included
in the one-alone section are applications that utilize on-line
resources: information (on-line databases and on-line journals),
software (on-line applications and software libraries), and people
(on-line interest groups and individual experts). As examples in
the section on one-to-one CMC, Paulsen includes learning contracts,
mentorship, apprenticeship, and correspondence study. These applications
are characterized by one-to-one relationships and by individualized
In discussing one-to-many applications, such as lectures
and skits, Paulsen differentiates them from other forms of CMC
by their use of presentation techniques in which learners are
not usually invited to interact. With many-to-many CMC applications,
all participants have the opportunity to take part in the kind
of interaction that can be facilitated in computer conferencing
systems. In this section, Paulsen discusses such techniques as
debate, simulation, role play, discussion groups, transcript-based
assignments, brainstorming, the Delphi technique, the nominal
group technique, and project groups.
In conclusion, Paulsen notes that the applications
presented are by no means meant to constitute an exhaustive list.
They represent, however, a comprehensive set of examples that
show the range of techniques available for designers of CMC courses.
Effective design is essential to the success of an on-line course,
and the next chapter focuses on design. Using their recent experience
designing an on-line adult education graduate seminar as an example,
Dan Eastmond and Linda Ziegahn (Chapter 3) outline essential issues,
considerations, and tasks for instructional development with CMC
to which the course designer must attend. These considerations
include overall course design issues, resource allocation, syllabus
creation, activity selection, on-line structure production, and
evaluation planning. Appropriate attention to these items during
the design phase informs the development and delivery phases of
the on-line course, thereby creating a "good learning
for adult college students.
Morten Paulsen's second
chapter (Chapter 4) presents a review and analysis of the
literature relevant to moderating educational conferences on computer
networks. He suggests that moderators should identify their preferred
pedagogical styles, based on their philosophical orientation,
their chosen moderator roles, and their preferred facilitation
techniques. The author assigns the moderator role three functions:
the organizational, the social, and the intellectual. To help
moderators improve their moderating skills, Paulsen organizes
facilitation techniques recommended in the literature according
to these three role functions. Finally, the author assists moderators
in finding their pedagogical style by identifying some possible
philosophies, roles, and facilitation techniques discussed in
the literature.
Rae Wahl Rohfeld and Roger
Hiemstra (Chapter 5)draw on their experience teaching
in the Syracuse University Distance Education Program to examine
the experiences of both course facilitators and students in courses
delivered via CMC. They fo und that effective courses via CMC
are based on a learner-centered approach to education in which
facilitators and students share responsibility and participation
in learning and teaching. To initiate such a process, facilitators
must make sure they and their students have adequate training
and support on the electronic system. They must also do a great
deal of advance planning to teach a course via the new medium.
By initiating a variety of activities, both on and off-line, facilitators
can encourage an active, challenging learning environment. As
the class conference progressed, Rohfeld and Hiemstra found that
different strategies were necessary to keep energy high. Those
involved in the Syracuse University Distance Education Program
were highly satisfied with this mode of learning once they got
past initial difficulties with technology. Because the courses
were delivered by CMC, students were able to take considerable
control over their learning in terms of how they scheduled both
personal study time and group-interaction time, how much personal
contact they had with the instructor and other learners, and how
they contributed to the class. Rohfeld and Hiemstra are confident
that courses delivered via CMC can meet immediate learning needs
as well as help learners increase self-direction in their ongoing
In the sixth chapter, Morton Cotlar
and James N. Shimabukuro describe their use of electronic
guest lectures to stimulate thinking and interaction among students.
This technique, like other applications of CMC in education, shows
promise. However, the degree to which students interact in meaningful
ways with the guest lecturers seems to be related to the style
of the lecture. Three different lecturers addressed a graduate
course (through text documents posted to the class discussion
group, with the invitation for follow-up questions and discussion)
and evoked markedly different degrees and types of responses.
The authors analyzed the style of each lecture to explore the
relationship between style and responsiveness. Extraordinary findings
showed that the extent of personalization and readability in
the lectures strongly influenced responsiveness. Cotlar and Shimabukuro
invite others to replicate this kind of study to validate their
Rachelle Heller and Greg
Kearsley (Chapter 7) describe their experiences using
a combination of instructional television and a computer bulletin
board system (BBS) to teach graduate students in computer science
and education. The television component provided a medium for
lectures, guest interviews, and software demonstrations, whereas
the bulletin board was used to stimulate interaction among students
and the instructors. Heller and Kearsley used a variety of different
strategies to encour age interaction on the BBS, including assignments,
discussion questions, and team activities. Based on the evaluations
completed by the students in their courses, the authors concluded
that the combination of media works very effectively.
In Chapter 8 Alexander McAuley describes
an innovative use of CMC to support cost-effective communication
links across wide distances in the Baffin area of the Canadian
North West Territories. The region's 3,100 kindergarten to Grade
12 students attend 20 schools, and approximately 90% of the students
are Inuit and speak Inuktitut as their first language. The current
heart of K-12 CMC on Baffin Island is an electronic bulletin board,
with electronic mail and a conferencing system (supporting both
synchronous and asynchronous communications) called
which translates roughly from Inuktitut as "things you might
like to see." One of the most interesting and successful
projects to make regional use of Takujaksat is an electronic newsletter
called TGIF. Made up from contributions submitted by students
from around Baffin, it is compiled, edited, and distributed
every Friday by students at Takijualuk School in Pond Inlet.
The Baffin School District's efforts to increase
the use of CMC include providing an on-line component intended
to follow up all face-to-face staff in-services and sponsoring
projects that require student interaction via the on-line environment.
The district also encourages interested teachers to coordinate
and plan a project together through CMC and present it in the
classroom. They then identify those teachers who are predisposed
to work in this collaborative manner and attempt to match them
with people and projects they will find rewarding and exciting.
In justifying the support for CMC in Baffin schools,
McAuley's examples also indicate a number of requirements for
success: (a) CMC must have a strong user base at the local level
before it can be widely used at a distance, (b) effective use
of CMC demand s specific conditions and skills, and (c) teachers
and students must be supported in acquiring those skills. The
author notes that future work will focus on all three of those
Claire McInerney (Chapter
9) explores a method of integrating CMC within the curriculum
of a course on communications technology designed for nontraditional
students studying information management. Through anecdotal evidence
drawn from student and faculty experiences, McInerney looks at
some of the anticipated outcomes of CMC as well as the unanticipated
benefits and limitations of CMC.
Ken and Carrie Loss-Cutler
represent a growing group of homeschooling parents who are incorporating
CMC into their curriculum and taking advantage of the resources
available on the Internet. In Chapter 10 the Loss-Cutlers
provide details on the various electronic discussion groups that
deal specifically with alternative schoolers' interests and describe
some of the beneficial network-supported activities available
to homeschooled students.
Since 1986 Jason Ohler has directed a Master's
degree program in Education Technology at the University of Alaska,
Southeast. Although the program seeks to empower teachers to be
effective, creative, and socially responsible users of a wide
range of new technologies, one area of instructional technology
receives particular emphasis: educational applications of
and CMC. During the past six years, Ohler has taught, worked with,
provided in-services for, and consulted on numerous p rojects
by K-12 teachers and students in the field of educational
This is the experiential base that informs Chapter 11.
Ohler provides a vision as well as a practical road
map for educators wishing to offer extended training in
to fellow K-12 teachers and their students. As the basis of this
chapter, Ohler uses the syllabus of a 15-week course on educational
telecommunications for the classroom teacher he has been
teaching for the past five years.
In Chapter 12 Christopher Baker and
Thomas Buller observe that primary and secondary school
systems are so burdened by a lack of funding that they usually
cannot afford the tools and connections needed for CMC. Dedicated,
wide-area computer network connections offer many features ranging
from e-mail to peer discussions and have the potential to revolutionize
education, but these dedicated connections are currently too costly
for struggling K-12 schools. However, specialized access services
such as NGS Kidsnetwork, CompuServe, and Argonne's NEWTON offer
teachers and students a chance to experience the "global
classroom" without the global price tag.
Ava L. Fajen and J.
Scott Christianson examine the use of Bulletin Board System
(BBS) networks as an educational resource, specifically in primary
and secondary classrooms, in Chapter 13. BBS networks are
distributed group conferencing syst ems (Santoro, 1993) that allow
teachers and students from around the world to interact with each
other electronically in "virtual classrooms," sharing
information and collaborating on learning projects. This chapter
presents a brief history of BBS networks, explains the basic
principles of BBS networking, and explores two BBS networks devoted
to K-12 education: the Free Education Mail (FrEdMail) network
and K12Net (a subdivision of the Fidonet BBS network). The authors
also present a short summary of off-line mail readers, electronic
mail tools used to decrease on-line time and costs.
Jill Ellsworth (Chapter
14) discusses not only specific sources of information useful
to distance educators, but also covers some of the principle information
management tools available on the Internet: Archie, Gopher, Veronica,
and Worldwide Web. Scholars on the net can use these tools to
locate a variety of information resources available through the
On-line information about distance education comes
from many sources and is available in many forms. There are several
scholarly discussion groups distributed via Listservs, for example,
that focus on issues of concern to distance educators. In addition
there are archives of papers, conference announcements, calls
for papers, electronic journals, literature reviews, software,
books, guides, library catalogs, resource databases and more-all
accessible with a few keystrokes .
The key to accessing Internet information, says Ellsworth,
is to gain familiarity with the sources and to use them regularly.
Users need to take the time to keep up with the Internet, a dynamic
system in which the resources can change every day, and to which
new, more user-friendly search tools are constantly being added