Establishing an Environmental Scanning Process at Edinboro  16


The Wilkinson Group publishes a monthly scanning newsletter called What's Happening for nonprofit organizations (Wilkinson Group, 2319 Sierra Highlands Drive, Reno, NV  85923, phone 702 747-5995). The World Future Society (7910 Woodmont Avenue, Suite 450, Bethesda, MD 20814, phone 301 656-8274) publishes Future Survey, a monthly abstract of books, articles, and reports containing forecasts, trends, and ideas about the future. The Global Network publishes John Naisbitt's Trend Letter (1101 30th St., NW, Suite 130 Washington, DC 20007, phone 202887-6400). Kiplinger Washington Editors publish the Kiplinger Washington Letter (1729 H St., NW, Washington, DC 20006). Jossey-Bass publishes On the Horizon, focusing exclusively on education (kindergarten through postgraduate, including continuing education). In addition, the Horizon Home Page (URL address: contains (1) a futures-planning database of articles on trends and events submitted for publication consideration in the print publication; (2) the archive of Horizon List, an Internet listserv on which these articles are distributed and discussed; and (3) a section with links to a variety of information databases in all of the STEEP sectors called The Education On-Ramp. Exhibit 1 contains the addresses of these Web accessible sources.


Exhibit 1: STEEP Sector Web Sites

Social Sector

  1. Digest of Education Statistics

  2. Change

  3. Distance Education Clearinghouse


  5. HEPROC: Higher Education Resources

  6. Institute of Higher Education

  7. League for Innovation in the Community College

  8. Technology and Higher Education Statistics, Surveys, and Reports

  9. Times Higher Education Supplment



Title Page