
Critical Events Affecting the Future of Community Colleges
James L. Morrison, Workshop Facilitator
Proceedings of the 1995 AACC Presidents Academy Summer
July 9-13
Breckenridge, Colorado
We are being bombarded by tumultuous forces for change as we go into the 21st Century:
Virtual classrooms, global communications, global economies, telecourses, distance
learning, corporate classrooms, increased competition among social agencies for scarce resources, pressure for institutional mergers, state-wide program review and so on.
In order to plan effectively in this environment, community college leaders must
be able to anticipate new developments on their institutions and curricular programs.
Wayne Gretzky once said, "I skate to where the puck will be." For strategic planning
to be successful, we must anticipate "where the puck will be."
The external analysis component of strategic planning is the anticipatory component
whose task is to ascertain where the puck will be. This component consists of scanning
the environment to identify changing trends and potential developments, monitoring
specific trends and patterns, forecasting
the future direction of these changes and potential developments, and assessing
their organizational impact. Merged with an internal analysis of the organization's
vision, mission, strengths, and weaknesses, external analysis assists decisionmakers
in formulating strategic directions and strategic plans (see Figure 1).
The objective of the 1995 AACC President's Academy Summer Experience environmental
scanning workshop was to assist you to develop competency in establishing and maintaining
an external analysis capability on your campus. Although the description of how to
do this is available in earlier publications (Morrison, 1992; Morrison & Mecca, 1989;
Morrison, Renfro, and Boucher, 1984), the workshop offered an opportunity to use
several techniques (e.g., identifying and forecasting potential events and their
impacts) used in anticipatory strategic management. Moreover, the intent was that this experience
would enable you to replicate the workshop.
This is a report of the proceedings of the workshop. It is intended to summarize the
outcomes of exercises and put these exercises in the context of a strategic planning
process, so that you may use them as a guide in conjunction with the references cited
above when you implement a similar workshop on your campus.
In the workshop we focused on (a) identifying events, (b) selecting the most significant
events, (c) identifying the signals that indicated these events could occur, (d)
drawing out the implications of each selected event if it were to occur, and (e)
concluding with a set of recommendations for community college leaders. To do so, we used
the Nominal Group Process (NGP).
The Nominal Group Process
The Nominal Group Process is an efficient small group process that ensures balanced
participation. It requires participants to first think about the question (i.e.,
what potential events can affect the future?) and write down their thoughts on a
sheet of paper. After a suitable time, the facilitator uses a round robin approach where each
participant in turn is asked to nominate an event. Only one nomination is given by
each participant. Participants are asked to nominate those events that could be most
critical to community colleges. Each statement is written on the flip chart so that all
can see the nominations. The next person is asked to submit their "best" candidate.
During this time the only person talking is the person nominating a statement; all
others are requested to think about the statement to see if it stimulates an idea that
they had not had before.
Under normal circumstances this process goes on until there are no more nominations,
at which time the facilitator guides the group in a discussion of each nomination
to clarify, discuss, edit, and remove redundancies. The value of this process is
first to have participants think before talking, and then to get the thinking of all people
in the groups. Given the severe time constraints, we limited nominations to one round,
with the provision that other nominations could crop up during the clarification
and discussion phase.
The first exercise was to identify potential events that could affect the future of
community colleges if they occurred. Events are unambiguous and confirmable. When
they occur, the future is different. Event identification and analysis is critical
in anticipatory organizational planning.
It is important that an event statement be unambiguous; otherwise, it is not helpful
in the planning process because (a) it is unclear what may be meant by the statement
(i.e., different people may understand the statement differently) and (b) we have
no clear target that allows us to derive implications and action steps. For example, consider
the following event statement: There will be significant changes in political, social, and economic systems in the
Each person on a planning team may agree with this statement, but may also interpret
it differently. It would be far more useful in analysis for a statement like: In the next election, the political right gains control of Congress and the presidency.
Or Minorities become the majority in 10 states.
Or The European Community incorporates Eastern Europe in a free trade zone.
The latter statements are concrete, unambiguous, and signal significant change that
could impact community colleges.
Another point. We should not include an impact statement in the event statement. Consider
the following event statement: Passage of welfare and immigration reform will negatively impact higher education
and the community college sector.
First, we need to specify each welfare reform idea and each immigration reform idea
as an event. Second, it may well be that an event can have both a positive and a
negative impact. For example, there may be signals that within five years 30% of
college and university courses will use multimedia technologies in instruction. This event could
have both positive and negative consequences on your community college. If, for example,
the faculty are not currently oriented to using multimedia technology, the event may adversely affect the competitive position of your institution. On the other hand,
distributing the signals of this event in a newsletter to your faculty may bring
about an awareness of what is happening and assist in developing a desire to upgrade
their set of teaching skills.
Identification of Critical Events
Each group was given 20 minutes to identify potential events and 30 minutes to discuss,
clarify, and select their three most significant events. What follows is a list of
the events identified by group. Those events in bold are the most significant events. Those events that need more specificity or that include the impact of the event are
noted with an asterisk. Unfortunately, we did not have time to make them more unambiguous;
they are included in the proceedings because they contain an important idea that we do not want to lose.
Group 1
- Community colleges will be responsible for all remedial education in public higher
- 75% reduction in Federal financial aid
- 30% increase in children without adequate parenting
- 25% increase in insurance costs for community colleges
- 20% increase in student litigation
- 20% of the community colleges in the U.S. conduct 85% of all workforce training
- *Community colleges will be required to do more with less
- *There will be no distinction between academic transfer and technical education
- 25% of community college students will acquire part of their education using distance
education (e.g., TV, computer, etc.)
- The number of people who will continue to work beyond age 65 will increase by 30%
- *There will be significant changes in political, social, and economic systems in
the U.S.
Group 2
- 30% of students receive education through distance learning
- 30% increase in crime in public schools
- 30% reduction of state funds to state supported colleges
- Every citizen will take courses in the home via distance learning technologies
- *Passage of welfare and immigration reform will negatively impact higher education
and the community college sector
- 25% decrease in male college population
- 35% of U.S. population over 65
- 90% of students under 20 are technologically superior to teachers
- *Widespread dissolution of accreditation standards
- *Decrease of public confidence in public education
- *Sizable increase in students with emotional and physical disabilities
- *Increase of immigrant students with lack of English proficiency
- *Commercialism of higher education
- *Government out of financial aid
- *Trend toward regulation of graduation requirements
- *Increased accountability
- *Single entry into homes and wireless technology
- *Continued increases of tuition
- *Most trade barriers eliminated
- *More demands for multiculturalism and bilingualism
- *Widening gap between haves and have nots
Group 3
- 25% decline in public financial support
- 25% of all higher education students will take classes via distance education
- Microsoft, Disney, AT&T announce joint venture to produce first two years of higher
- Communication technology (e.g., ISDN) will be universally available
- Within five years regional accreditation will no longer exist
- Within 5 years, 10% of all faculty members will be replaced by information technology
- Within next 5 years, high schools will produce students who meet ASSET entry scores
(Note: this statement implies that students graduating from high school now do not
meet ASSET entry scores.)
Group 4
- Major American industries will develop systems to train and continuously educate
employees for themselves and similar companies using a combination of information
- 25% of state legislatures will require mergers of institutions of higher education
- State appropriations will decrease by 20%
- *Gradual elimination of local funding due to competing needs
- Federal support reduced 30%
- 50% of students will be required to use computers
- Four-year colleges and universities will offer their curriculums via distance learning
- *Significant expansion of "for profit" teaching universities
- *Increasing state and federal demands for accountability tied to performance
- Loss of funding at federal, state, and local levels
- Federal funds for vocational and training programs are collapsed into bloc grants
for state distribution
- 25% cut in financial aid
- Carnegie unit replaced by performance/competence indicator
- *Four-year colleges and universities offering more AA/AAS/AS degree programs
Group 5
- Flat tax implemented
- 90% property tax eliminated
- 50% of higher education courses will be taught from remote sites
- *There will be a drastic shift in population demographics; minority moving from larger
cities to rural America
- All curriculums will be outcome-based
- 20% reduction in state supported funding
- 50% reduction in Federally funded financial aid
- 65% of high school graduates computer literate
- All federal funding will convert to bloc grants
- 90% of entering community college students are academically underprepared
- 50% increase in the demand for local scholarship funds
- *Decline in resources will require increased cooperation with non-educational entities
(Note: This is not an event statement. This is an implication of the decline of funds
from customary sources.)
- 50% increase in using technology in instruction
- Affirmative action programs abolished
- 64% of faculty refuse to use technology in their instruction
- Majority of sates pass voucher initiatives
Group 6
- *Funding mechanisms will completely change
- The new majority is re-elected in 96 along with a conservative president
- Tenure is abolished
- U.S. Department of Education eliminated
- Major war with US involvement
- Minority groups form political coalitions
- Religious right controls American politics
- *Militias become powerful
- Jones Cable is accredited
- Jones Cable offers instructional programs in every American community
Group 7
- Community colleges will compete nationally and internationally for students via distance
- *There will be multiple national political and social agendas by the year 2000.
- 80% of Federal funding for education will be through bloc grants
- 50-98% of community college students will use interactive media including virtual
- 40% of current community college faculty and administration will retire
- US Department of Education eliminated
- President Clinton appoints two Supreme Court Justices with community college experience
- Community college enrollments reduced 30%
- Private corporate schools increase enrollment by 30%
Event Analysis
The second exercise was for each group to select one event, identify the signals that
indicated that the event could occur within five years, the implications for community
colleges if the event occurred, and their recommendations to community college leaders based on these implications. The results are recorded below by group, beginning
with Group 7.
Group 7
Event: 50-98.9% of our students will be active users of instructional and communications
- elementary/middle/high school students expand to far more technology
- more and more software vendors and more readily available software at lower cost
- technology readily available in homes
- preschool children given interactive games
- video/interactive/virtual reality games available in all malls
- remote and isolated schools/colleges do not have the necessary telecommunications
infrastructure to implement programs
- the number of grants from NSF to implement telecommunications is increasing
- increasing partnerships between business/industry/government/agencies and education
to facilitate infrastructure development
- increased deregulation of the communications industry
- new faculty have higher desire to use technology
- technology alone does not teach
- to be competitive, we must have up-to-date technology
- students expect that we be up to date
- reallocation of resources required
- huge increase in costs of maintenance upgrade/training
- increased collaborative learning with teacher as facilitator
- team approach to support faculty/technicians/students
- remote schools, without infrastructure, fall farther behind cannot compete nationally
or internationally
- teacher not only a facilitator but a technician as well
- technology not provide all answers to the education process
need to educate people as well as train them
What Should Community College Leaders Do?
- Ensure staff development at all levels
- Design collaborative efforts for funding and technology delivery
- Develop collaborative efforts in curriculum development
- Pursue available materials (don't reinvent the wheel)
- Develop collaborative planning and technology implementation
- Secure buy-in by unions
- Redefine faculty loads and qualifications
- Market efforts in our use of technology
- Employ quality control measures
- Eliminate "turf battles" among colleges
- Resolve accreditation issues
- Develop new processes for working with current advisory committees
- Give priority to cooperation with institutions within and without the state
Group 6
Event: A new majority is re-elected in 1996 along with a conservative president
- Popularity of Newt Gingrich and his book
- 1994 Election
- Popularity of conservative TV/radio shows
- Number of conservative governors and legislators
- Growth of militia movement
- Raised awareness of the size of the national debt
- Categorical funding eliminated
- Funding mechanisms will change
- New ways needed to communicate with new audiences
- Open access of community colleges may be challenged (economically & academically)
- Increased flexibility
- Challenge of traditional structures/staffing (e.g., tenure, faculty productivity)
- Administration/staff productivity changes and challenges
- Academic freedom threatened
- Students additionally burdened with increased tuition
- Community college enrollment will decline as a direct result of increased cost
- Social burden
- Lost ability to invest in the national economic infrastructure
What should community college leaders do?
- Retire and turn it over to the faculty
- Be the creative folks we know how to be
- Become more politically active
- Sponsor voter education classes
- Align more closely with trustees organizations
- Sell skills and abilities of our college
- Enlist business advocates
- Understand and use the language of the conservative coalition
- Build coalitions across all
sectors of education (e.g., K-12, Postsecondary, business/industry)
- Conduct an institutional self examination to improve our ability to respond positively
to change
- Remain good stewards of the public trust (e.g., finances)
Group 5
Event: Up to 50% of community college primary state and local funding sources will
- State funding formulas are not being fully implemented
- Current and proposed legislation to reduce local funding
- Competition for state funds (i.e., prisons)
- Impact of national, regional economic decline of state funding base
- More conservative politicians being elected
- Growing anti-tax sentiment
- Growing distrust of all public entities including higher education
- Demand for more accountability
- Do "more for less"
- Greater reliance on private resources
- Student fees will increase
- Enrollment caps will be set externally
- Erosion of open door for educationally and economically disadvantaged (lip service)
- More emphasis on quality outcomes
- Will ignore neglected majority
- Need for more partnerships with business and industry
- Need to define mission and goals
What should community college leaders do?
- Engage in community building for greater advocacy (i.e., with parents, business/industry)
- Tell our story more effectively
- Engage in more private fund raising efforts
- Work with politicians for greater political advocacy
- Involve campus community in setting priorities for use of diminished resources
- Restructure educational delivery for more effectiveness
- Work toward eliminating costly external mandates and regulations
- Drop costly programs
- Buy lottery tickets
Group 4
Event: Within 5 years, major American industry will develop a system to train and
continuously educate employees for themselves and for similar companies using a combination
of various information technologies
- Decrease in contract training requests
- Enrollment decrease in business and industry courses
- Student reports of increased worksite learning
- Business and industry communication infrastructure exists for more effective training
- Colleges cannot afford to supply needed training
- Advertisements and promotion of companies indicating what they provide
- Increase in national training packages
- Companies "self analyzing" skills needed
- Requests for partnerships increase
- Erosion of previous partnerships
- New announcements of corporate offerings
- Existence of industry-run colleges
- Increase in industry associations focused on training
- Increased allocation of resources
- Reduced revenue from business and industry courses
- Less dollars available for curriculum development and equipment
- Lose ground in new delivery techniques
- More creative recognition of "credit" for industry training
- More aggressive response to training needs
- Loss of key mission component, i.e., "community focus" to become more like JC's vs.
comprehensive offerings
- Opportunities for new partnerships
- Changing political support
- Potential loss of key faculty
- Clearer focus on industry training mission
- Some faculty will welcome change
- Faculty and staff reduction
- More parental acceptance of technical training
What should community college leaders do?
- Clarify mission vis à vis business and industry training
- Increase investment in faculty and staff training
- Establish regional councils to coordinate school to work initiatives and training
- Develop partnerships with communications technology companies
- Develop partnerships to define needed skills and recognition of "credit" offered
by others
- Focus on outreach efforts
- Develop more CEO contacts
- Be more aggressive to addressing and responding to needs
- Reallocate resources
- Develop more state/college partnerships for training
- Develop and implement marketing plan strategies aimed at increasing business and
industry training
- Replace "credit" mentality in colleges
- Market technical training more effectively to parents and students
- Foster industry consortia
- Increase partnerships with others (i.e., chambers of commerce)
- Create schedules that are not time or place bound
- Expand teaching methodology options, etc.
Group 3
Event: Microsoft, Disney and AT&T will announce joint ventures to produced first two
years of higher education
- Bill Gates offers to do that (and has the money)
- Courses and programs are already offered by corporations
- Communications companies (i.e., cable and phone) are consolidating
- Consumers accept distance
- League for Innovation and Jones International are already doing this
- Students are attracted to non-traditional, flexible schedules
- Government contracts are enticing to private sector especially with state legislators
disgruntlement with higher education studies -with message that private sector can
do it better
- Investors are recognizing the value of the younger generation adapting to telecommunications
- There will be a loss of enrollment in traditional courses
- Cable TV offers Mind Extension University courses
- Increasing availability of inexpensive communication technology
- Changes in accreditation, governance, and legislative transferability--local, state,
- Funding formulas will change (affecting haves and have nots)
- Increased partnerships with community college/university/private sector
- Change in role of faculty (to manager of instruction and facilitator of learning)
- Will freshen a stale curriculum
- End of community college monopoly
- Faculty will develop technical software, etc. rather than use books
- Place-bound students (women and rural students) will have equal access to experiences
- Losses or gains in enrollment
What should community college leaders do?
- Embrace concepts of technology
- Develop our greatest resourcefaculty and staffso they can lead the charge and so
that they will not be afraid or fight change
- Be accountableprove our successes, benefit of range of services
- Focus on changing the expectations of facultyalternative delivery, retention as
- Expert competencies in informational technology
- Form consortium to compete and build on instructional strengths
- Alternative modes of delivery
- Criteria for hiring changedhire on basis of how flexible the person is
- Transfer educational practices to
- Show through strategic plans that the college is putting plans and actions where
values are
- Invest in technology on campuses; include connections with the community
- Increase faculty and staff training in technology
- Develop partnerships with private sector
- Lobby legislature for changed funding towards outcomes, not process
- Lobby legislature to provide appropriations for infrastructure (e.g.,
Group 2
Event: 30% reduction in federal funding for programs related to the community college
- Lack of participation in the political process by the "have nots"
- State actions requiring welfare recipients to work, or else
- Federal movement to eliminate legal alien participation in social welfare programs
- Technology is in the hands of the "haves"
- Results of national and state elections
- Angry students and public
- Reduced access to higher education
- Fewer support services
- Inability of colleges to produce adequate work force
- Reduced enrollment
- Must do more with less
- Community colleges will do less
What should community college leaders do?
- Seek alternatives for federal funding
- Form new partnerships
- Eliminate duplication in programs
- Educate internal and external audiences to events and consequences of the event
- Build student & community capacity to function in a democratic society
- Find new resources and funding
Group 1
Event: 25% of all students will use distance education
- Availability of more grant money
- Rapid advancement of affordable technology
- Mergers of telecommunications companies
- More demand for education; easier access
- More information available to us as practitioners
- More on-site needed by business and industry
- Popularization of technology
- More state initiatives
- Students are increasingly more technology literate
- Faculty are more experienced and better with technology uses
- More resources dedicated by colleges
- Emergence of specialized (commercial) organizations that deliver distance education
(e.g., Mind-Extension University and National University)
- Community colleges will be to rethink vision/mission vis-a-vis traditional components
and emerging compartmentalization of those components
- Shifts in budgeting priorities
- Prescribed shift in attitude and behavior of faculty relative to learning and teaching
- Change in composition of students
- Impact on student services
- Differential impact relative to college size and capacity to deal with competitive
- Working relationship and delivery of services to business and industry will change
What should community college leaders do?
- Develop collaborative efforts with other community colleges, business/industry, area
agencies, four-year colleges, high schools
- Find out what competition is doing
- Help faculty and staff develop collaborative skills to prepare and adapt
- Develop a collaborative skills set for college leadership and faculty and staff to
effectively facilitate adaptation and change to a collaborative paradigm
- Seek support from AACC and state agencies to endorse regional collaboration
- Rethink mission
- Identify dollars in budget that will influence collaboration shift
- Study options before leaping
- Create community-college task forces with business and industry and community
Establishing a comprehensive environmental scanning system on a campus to inform planning
requires a good deal of time from everyone involved in the process. Fortunately,
we can take advantage of the information highway and can share resources via Horizon List
and Horizon Home Page. Horizon List
offers the opportunity to respond to draft articles focusing on emerging trends and
potential events (for example, I will insert these proceedings on the list and home
page to stimulate discussion when I get home). Horizon Home Page
has a futures planning database of abstracts describing signals of change in the
macroenvironment that can affect education; please review this section and please
add to it. You may subscribe to Horizon List
by sending the following message to listserve@unc.edu: subscribe horizon <yourfirstname>
<yourlastname>. You may view and contribute to Horizon Home Page
by turning your browser to the following URL address: http://sunsite.unc.edu/horizon.
And these services are absolutely free to those who have access to the Internet.
To stimulate and focus discussion of the implications of emerging tends and potential
events on your campus, recommend to the chair of your planning committee that she/he
order a site license subscription to On the Horizon
. View each issue of On the Horizon
as a pump-primer to organizational planning. For example, the chair's cover letter
to the first issue should urge planning committee members to consider how the content
of particular items in the newsletter affect the institution and to write down their
thoughts (or send them to the group via e-mail); their collective thoughts would be
used to begin discussion at the next committee meeting.
Before the meeting, the chair could compose a questionnaire identifying those articles
in On the Horizon
that may affect either the organization as a whole or particular curricular programs.
He/she should ask committee members to rank-order the most important ones, and follow
this rank order for the discussion agenda.
As the committee becomes accustomed to this process, the chair should request members
to send articles, notes, or commentary that they encounter in their reading and at
conferences about potential developments that could affect the organization. They
should use the structure of the newsletter: send information about signals of change in
the STEEP (i.e., social, technological, economic, environmental,
and political
) categories, particularly on the local and regional levels (On the Horizon
tends to focus on the national and international levels). The reason for using this
structure is that developments in one sector affect developments in other sectors
(i.e., a war in the Middle East affects fuel prices everywhere); therefore, in order
to anticipate change, we need to look for developments that may have direct or indirect
effects on the organization.
Committee members should examine sources for change in relevant variables (e.g., immigration,
price of computers, mood of voters). What change is already taking place? Is there
a movement upward or downward? What are the projections? What are the emerging trends (i.e., what combinations of data points--past trends, events, precursors--suggest
and support the early stages of a possible trend)? What external events, policies,
or regulatory actions would affect or be affected by the projections? They should
look for forecasts by experts, and append their own implications section to the emerging
issues, critical trends, or potential developments when they send their information
The chair should summarize the articles and their implications in the cover letter
when sending the next issue of On the Horizon,
and include a questionnaire asking each committee member to rank the five most important
items submitted by the committee or included in the newsletter.
The agenda for the planning meeting should include the top items. At the meeting,
focused around these items, committee members should draw out the implications of
the potential developments for ongoing organizational and program planning. They
may want more information about a particular trend or potential event. In this case, enlist the
aid of a research staffer or librarian (who should be on the planning committee anyway).
Regularly circulating information about potential developments and asking committee
members to think of their implications reinforces a future-oriented posture in our
colleagues. They will begin to read, hear, and talk about this information not only
as something intellectually interesting but as information they can use in practical organizational
The preconference workshop was conducted in a restricted time frame. It was, however,
sufficient to give you experience in using several basic approaches to transform
information into strategic intelligence for your institution. This experience, in
conjunction with the references cited earlier, should help you establish and maintain an
environmental scanning capability on your campus.
You have other resources available. One of the major reasons for publishing On the Horizon
is to bring you and your colleagues the expertise and foresight of an exceptional
and diverse editorial board. Our objective is to alert you to potential developments
and emerging trends that may affect your organization so that you can plan for the
future more effectively.
Horizon List
and Horizon Home Page
allow you to participate in and contribute to an on-going dialogue of signals of
change in the external environment and their implications for the future of education.
Please subscribe to Horizon List,
browse Horizon Home Page
, and enter into these important discussions with colleagues all over the world.
Morrison, J. L. (1992). Environmental
scanning. In M. A. Whitely, J. D. Porter, &
R. H. Fenske (Eds.), The primer for institutional research
(pp. 86-89). Tallahassee: The Association for Institutional Research.
Morrison, J. L. & Mecca, T. V. (1989). Managing uncertainty. In J. C. Smart (Ed.),
Handbook of theory and research in higher education
: Vol 5 (pp. 351-382). New York: Agathon.
Morrison, J. L., Renfro, W. L., & Boucher, W. I. (1984). Futures research and the strategic planning process: Implications for higher education
(ASHE-ERIC Higher Education Report No. 9). Washington, DC: Association for the Study
of Higher Education. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 259 692)